Chasing my treasures
My fascination with my trash continues. One of the requests (similar to rules, but with less force) is that you bag things in clear plastic before adding the bags to the big black bin. Not much of an extra cost; tends to keep the trucks (with the even bigger bins) cleaner. And, when the wind comes up, it reduces the time spent tracking your trash.
We hit a new wind high today, at 82.1 kph. Enough to slide the BBQ across the deck, and to require several trips outside (in rain and a sudden appearance of snow) to right the bins. They’re not as stable as I had hoped. Anyhow, I only required one ramble through the ditch to recover my lost treasures. That’s a plus.
And shortly after the truck had passed, the wind died. From “can it get worse?” to “what happened to the breezes?” Along the way, we had a power bump, which didn’t start the genny but did reset the clocks in the kitchen as well as the wifi router. A nuisance. In the territory to the west, trees fell on lawns and a gas station sign fell on a car. I wonder if that will be enough to break remaining customer loyalty to the brand.
We’re subject to the wind, on our Island. I left as many trees in place as possible when situating the house, which reduces our exposure. To put things in numbers, the “real” weather station, out on its own in the middle of a field near the shore, typically registers winds that are 20-30 kph higher than here.