There might be better deals, but…
A good advertising slogan is one that can be recalled, many years later. A great slogan, then, is one that you can apply to another product without losing any of the punch. Case in point; “Mainly because of the meat!” For those who need to place this ear worm, it comes from the chain of Dominion Stores (the only supermarket I could name until I graduated from middle school).
Turns out, even though the big D is rarely seen (unless you visit Newfoundland), their marketing strategy applies to one of my local Co-Op stores. Yes, I have more than one… And the branch about halfway from here to the city has great buys when it comes to my BBQ needs. Tonight, pork chops at $4.40/kg. There might be better deals around, but these chops also look good. How’s that for a deal?
Had to go to the city to bid a final farewell to a friend. The extended family was on hand; faces I hadn’t seen in almost four decades. Funny how we still recognize each other. I guess my getting old is superficial.
I also spent some time in a large bookstore. There are some great reads ahead, based on the counter just inside the door. Authors that deliver, volume after volume. The real goal will be to remember what’s on my “most wanted list”. Hate to get something more than once, etc.
Waiting to see if we get some thunder overnight. The clouds were ominous, all the way home. And we need the rain.