7th February 2025

Various beds 

Back in the beginning when I was fresh at a university I was rather like a Rolling Stone. And as the saying goes a rolling stone gathers no moss. I had very few personal belongings. Moving from one home to another was a rather simple task. In fact the only furniture that I had that I could refer to as my own was my bed. One early iteration involved a steel bed frame that I received from a friend period. Then I went to town and purchased a mattress of course the bed was a non standard size and so the mattress cost me more than I had planned but that is life. I left that bed behind as I moved away and the next piece of furniture that could be called as such furniture was something known in the trades as a futon I will spell that FUTON. Purchased from a small store in a mall and because I had a little extra cash I also bought the frame for it. Something made from hardwood in three pieces that could be folded away for storage much like that mattress. The plan was that you rolled your bed out at night and then converted it into a chair for the daytime. Small apartments and small needs. I know that that mattress accompanied me to another province because we decided to sell the house I had to dispose of it. I can be thankful but the municipal garbage truck was able to handle such a parcel. I think the frame went to one of my children but I am not sure. Unlike the mattress the frame was well made and worth something. After that I move down to real furniture. But in case I forget the first bed that I had was made from a sheet of insulating foam that I took from summers on campus. It was not soft but it kept my kidneys warmer as I rolled out a sleeping bag. Those were the good old days as they say and furniture was something that you made yourself. Would I return to that. In my life? Not a chance I am older now and a good bed is important. I am not ready to go back to sleeping either on pink or blue styrofoam.

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