2nd February 2025

Is ink expensive

You have to pay attention to the important things. Today is Groundhog Day. Many years ago I would actually take the time to go into a classroom and right then announcement on the available blackboard because I knew that others were unaware. I would tell people that we needed this to be a new national holiday. If you check your calendar you will see that I had little success. Right now we have other things. Fish to fry if you’re a fisherman. A sudden pressing need for a duty free shop just about everywhere in the country. Why? Well I don’t know exactly but I heard a rumor that we’re going to be asked to pay more for things that we consider to be basic needs. In my case sacks of fresh grapes and salad. We do not produce enough of them here at home so we import them that there will be tariffs placed on things. I doubt that the ink is even dry on the list. Is ink free from tariffs? So many things I do not have an answer to. It is as if someone asked me to write a paper on the history of the doorknob. I do not have an answer to that question. Or why can a dog drink from a puddle when I cannot. Someone knows the answer but that is not me. I’m going to sit back and wait for all the news that is fit to be printed. Back to that ink question. Actually I will go to town tomorrow and I might notice but something is different. Or I will ask pointed questions. Do I have to pay extra money for that? That extra money is another mystery. Where are all the checks that I heard the government was going to sell me or send me for being a good citizen? There’s not much coming in the mail. No sudden electronic transfers of large S from the various levels of government. They also have things to worry about i guess. My main worry right now is to make sure that if I go outside I can find my way back home. And to be fair I never wander far from the front step. A bit like I used to train the puppy to do.

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