3rd February 2025

A trip to the optical garage 

Although I like to think that I am the master of my own destiny that is not completely true. Some of the things on my schedule are dependent on others. In particular the man who takes care of my eyes. We visit the garage as I call it on an irregular basis. Appointments are set and then we do our best to be there at the right time. Today for example he kept it very easy on me some drops in one eye and the chance to count fingers. The answers are not infinite. He can only hold up so many fingers at one time. The other variation is to move them back and forth or up and down and my goal is to try and get the answer right. Today went well. Once we had cleared that obstacle and set an appointment for six months hence we’re off to do other things. Visit the local Costco light which is a place that brings in selected menu items that we can then buy as we wish. Not going to bore you with details. And with that out of the way returned tail and headed home. Now although the snow is blowing about there was no real accumulation until we got within a few kilometers of home. At that point things were a bit dodgy. Yes there are snow plows on the road but I think they forget to come as far east as we might like. And I realized that within a few months this will not be an issue because the snow will stop and the grass will grow. Very analyzed the story of my life. The other action is going on South of here. I refer to it as political theatre. I think that someone wants maximum views for minimum effort. I am just a bystander. I will have to accept whatever decision is made but it is amusing to watch the posturing. Someone who wants the world to believe that he is much tougher than even he believes. When the history books are written, or re written, you will be able to find out for yourself just how things went. Like anything else someone is going to pay more for less. Capitalism at it’s best.

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