24th May 2024

Parked by the river

Another short day of travel and we find ourselves in the centre of the province. At least that is how they call it. We are in the area around grand falls ambition falls. No idea which is which. There is a lovely municipal campground right by the river and so while she who drives ghost walking I am sitting listening to a concert of pentangle. They were a big name a half century ago and they still sound good. This particular concert was posted to YouTube only four hours ago. A resource that keeps being renewed. We did take the time to see what was available in this area for food. The difference between being in the country and coming to a town is a suddenly you are hit with an overwhelming number of possibilities. So many fast food restaurants. We did the natural thing and ignored them. There was a bag of potato chips and so while I crunched I just relaxed. Supper will come with later. We’re getting better at this whole idea of being level but the Wi-Fi is always a new situation. This park has two feeds, neither them functioning very well. So we have fallen back to the cell phone and hotspot. I have not yet tried my fancy chip in a tablet. Still lots of time. There is also a laundry just in front of us and that seems more important then some of the other possibilities. I have been giving great thought to trying to track down the relatives of my in-laws. I know, that sounds complicated and it is. A father that never knew his children and now he is buried. What I can find out will help his grandchildren to finally figure out who the man might have been. On the highway coming out from last night there was nothing unusual other than passing through the village of Badger. I keep wondering about that name too. One encounter with a small animal so challenged the name are of the village. What happened here long ago. We are after all in a land of moose. Why celebrate a tiny woodland mammal. I wonder, is a badger rodent. Time to check with Google.

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