7th May 2024

New technologies to mask the old

Once you reach a certain age you start trying to break the rules. My most recent moment? Well, that would be when the Courier showed up with the parcel. And wanted me to sign for receipt. And I explained to him that I could no longer see the screen but would it be OK to just place an X. The driver does not care about such things. And so I did. I made a big X in the middle of the screen and that was enough to send the driver on his way. Yes he did ask for my name which means he may have done some fixing after the fact I did not bear witness to it. I wonder how many other places I could just sign an X. Like in the good old days. As for the personal? I haven’t opened it but I think it contains the SIM for the iPad. That’s a guess. I will get confirmation later on this afternoon when someone else who actually can see what’s going on takes over the situation. But I have done my part. I did sign for the package, after a fashion. You know, we do things because we’re told to. I am sure the driver of the delivery van could care less about what my name was or if I spelled my name correctly or if I just placed a mark on the page. That isn’t his responsibility. And if someone back at general headquarters decides to audit the process they will have a check mark for their script. And X if you will. If we were keeping up with technology he would have asked me to confirm by saying so. A Siri or an Alexa moment if you will. We’re not there yet. I look forward to seeing what changes will come in standard technology as time goes on. After all I have a talking clock. And that does not refer to the cuckoo.

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