17th May 2024

A new addition to the soundtrack

Thank you to the man who stopped by our campsite this morning to tell me the name of the shipwreck. Southern Cross. I would not have known otherwise. Anyhow we picked up around the site and got on the road for the day. Most of the afternoon was spent transiting to our next location. Other than a special stop for fuel which took about two minutes the rest of the day was spent following the yellow line. Sometime long before supper time we arrived at our KOA. The only thing out of the ordinary is a rooster. Just next to us. I will be looking forward to hearing how that plays out. We are on the outskirts of a National Park which brings the usual song and dance about whether or not you need a pass to go to a private facility. We were waved through but I’m sure the question will come back again over the next couple of days. There is also a party facility complete with some sort of jumping pillow toy for children to get on and fall off. I will wait to see if the noise drowns out the bird. Can you hear me talk to the block, I wonder if I talk more loudly if I can include the sounds of a walkie-talkie in the blog. More testing required. We have a couple of days here with a chance to cover ground we saw some years back. More than a decade ago apparently. Time sure does go by fast. I think the big difference this time is that we are here comfortably. Last time we were slumming in hotels and motels. Next up on the list of things to do, try to figure out how the shower works. Either here in the RV or in some building where I do not know the in and the outdoor. One of those little challenges I guess. And with that I I will return to our normal program of trying to decode the rooster.

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