4th March 2025

Silly economy

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Not having much money is actually a good thing. Very few scammers are out to empty my bank account. And I will not be buying a fancy electric car that I would never drive. Ever since our national government placed a retaliatory tariff against that car company this morning the price just doubled. I am watching the news to find out how people react to the silly moves made by various governments. Our neighbors to the South are in full mode of running a clown show by placing tariffs on things they need. Only if bought from this country. Go figure. I mean, I have. If you suddenly make the price of essential items rise only two make your own country richer you depend upon people buying those goods in your country. Hence my mirth at the idea of my buying a fancy car. The tariffs have been in place since midnight and so far I have not paid any mind. Most days I spend near nothing so I am not going to be affected short term. If I decide to go out and buy a ton of aluminum, on a whim, I will have to find a way to spend more money. Oh wait, that doesn’t affect me because I live on the right side of that imaginary line. But somebody must be going to pay them; else why all the wringing of hands and clutching of pearls. Yes I know the economic pressures are bad for all involved but I will have to wait to see just how much of an effect this whole thing is going to have on anyone other than those with a lot of money invested in stocks and bonds. They’re already feeling the pain. Will this push the world to war? Or turn the whole system upside down with a deep seated depression? Actually the depression will be felt by those who pay attention and I think you can get stuff from the pharmacist to take care of that too. But I do not speak from a place of deep experience by virtue of being too poor to care.

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