Caught in a loop
This may seem like a painful exercise but you need to do it from time to time. Seek out speeches by your politicians. Try to determine how long it takes before the speaker does a loop. Public speaking is a talent and not every politician is talented. Someone explains to the politician that he must speak for a given amount of time for appearances. And when you only have a short message the tendency is to loop. If that loop is extremely short everyone will notice. Extended by only a few phrases and you can fool the simple persons in your audience. Remember back to when you had to give a speech in school. Most of us never made it beyond a couple of sentences scrolled on a crib sheet. We found it fulfilling to stay on stage for as long as possible even when we had nothing to say. That rule applies equally to politicians. I listened to a curated speech given by one of the candidates to be Prime Minister. It did not go well. The person in charge of the podcast was quick to point out then a phrase repeated over and over again does not make that phrase better. I have another example. We have someone else who wants to be Prime Minister and that person has reduced the message to three words. When the underlying policy changed the speech did not. Proof that the politician does not always listen to what they’re saying. Just saying. Keep an eye on them as we move into election season. See if you can spot the inconsistencies that are required to keep the train of thought going. Like a real train it requires fuel. When you run out of fuel your train will roll to a stop. With it your hold on the attention of your audience. Try to find a politician that has a true message for your own sanity.