Not being a dodo
Many years ago, on canadian television we had programming aimed at children. Fun programs with fun music. One song that has stuck with me, so long ago, had a simple line. « Never be a dodo ». The programming was meant to teach children to avoid careless or dangerous behaviour. Things like jumping on your bed. I want to dedicate that song to the person in Los Angeles who had an unfortunate incident with his personal drone. He ran into a water bomber. Now keep in mind that the bomber is large and very yellow. The drone not so much. And now the authorities want to find the owner because the water bomber has been grounded at a time when it is most needed. Due to the behaviour of someone who is a dodo. I do not own a drone but I realize that flying it into the path of a large airplane is not the smartest thing you can do. Also if your drone happens to damage that large yellow airplane and involves a foreign government you may have to rethink your career as a pilot. Yes I know. The drone really was in the wrong place at the wrong time but some people failed to think things through. I imagine that when the authorities finally discover the name of the owner, that person will become infamous. And probably earn the title of dodo. In passing you can find recordings of this song from a prominent Canadian rock band. We have had a few of those along the way. Rarely does a song so fit a situation. Be it, jumping on your bed or running your personal aircraft into a water bomber could be the things our parents would not want us to do.