30th November 2024

Floor planning

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If your preferred recreational activities include packing suitcases or playing Tetris I have a variation to suggest. Go shopping for a better RV. The models change on a regular basis as to the floor plans and the goal of the manufacturers is to cram as much stuff into a defined space as they possibly can. All in making sure a person can walk from the front to the back and can get into bed usually. I think it would be great fun to have the sort of access to all the data you need to plan. And also knowing the dimensions and availability of all those features. Come on there must be some sort of mind that goes into this industry because they like to pack things. The space is defined by the vehicle but the dreams belong to the customers. If you can make something efficient and cosmetic Lee attractive you might be destined for a career in this field. I have no idea how many designers are required to put the average RV into shape, given that the shape is a rectangle. It really is a grid for those who like to arrange things. In fact some companies will actually allow you to change the layout after you buy the vehicle. I think you get a screwdriver and a couple of wrenches and an invitation to make your rig better than the one beside it. Not sure how this fits into the idea of warranty though. Let’s face it you can easily break stuff. And you cannot put certain components next to others although the companies try. You do not want your electric stove to live in a wet sink. Just just an observation. As for the windows they often seem to be an afterthought. As if someone said well we really should put some windows in just in case. In fact I have seen windows labeled carefully as escape routes which gave me great pause. I am not sure I want to dive out through a window into a parking lot although if everything was in flames around me I would probably go ahead. Remember, those windows are small for a reason. But back to the RV reviews that are out there. Some people have a knack for explaining what’s going on, not everyone. I have seen some reviewers that need to go back to school wherever that might be. We are on our second model and nothing is ideal but we do get a good night of sleep anytime we park up and rolled down the blinds.

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