15th October 2024

The new dump

posted in Uncategorized |

The best days come with a plan. Or a list. Or both. We were ready. We needed to add a new extension cord. Easy to find in a local shop. And then, it was time to dump the tax. You know, the nasty tanks. We knew where to go for that as well. After all we had lived here for awhile. On the way it was decided to check the address on the net to add it to the GPS . The app indicated that the site had changed and that the new site was better and permanent. And here was the route. And so, off we went on a chase. After about 1/2 hour the route seemed to be familiar. Very familiar. We had if you will come full circle. Chased our tail. And the new site was not where the apps said that it would be. In fact the road has not even been built yet according to a local service station. And so we did the obvious thing we went back to where we were going originally. Happily the original site is now new and improved. First class. The best of the city this size can offer. Our tanks are emptied and we are ready to face another week of travel if necessary. But do not depend on your own knowledge when you get updated knowledge to have you go in circles. It’s a life game. And so another day has passed. I spent some time sitting in the middle of a shopping mall which is really not nearly as interesting as one might think. A lot of have conversations from people going by with their phones. I think that is why I prefer books!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 21:51 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 288 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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