14th October 2024

Long way to the ground

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With the family gathered together I think we had a family photo. At least I was asked to turn in the direction of an unseen camera and I assume that’s what was going on. We were in the restaurant and I’ve learned that no matter how careful you are in placing your order or how much you depend on the feedback of the server what appears on your plate is almost random. Tonight my salad became French fries and gravy. Still good just unexpected. I am very aware that the temperature is dropping because at different times during the day I found myself shivering. Almost as if we were at the port of no return for winter. I must find my boots and my mitts and my tuque. We are now considering our travel options. Judging the wind and the rain against where we will sleep next. Odds are good that we were will return to a campground we have visited several times before since they seem to be open until the end of the month. Not easy to find campgrounds this close to the close of a season. As near as I can tell the staff goes back to school and the campground gets ready to hibernate. This was the return of the dog parents from their South American trip and it was fun to know that we will have a chance to see them perhaps one more time before we return east. Little chance of anybody wanting to travel early in the winter particularly with the attended birth of two children. Not mine but you know what I mean. I also learned that a Jeep is much higher off the ground than I expected. I did not fall in or out but I was warned. Designed for climbing rock piles not sitting beside a sidewalk in the city.

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