26th September 2024

Rare foods

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I have just finished eating a small snack. One that would have puzzled my grandparents. Specifically pita and humus. Unknown to them. Around here we have been doing potatoes for a very long time and for that reason our menus have been limited. There was a time when a snack might have involved peanut butter but due to evolution that is changed you do not bring peanut butter into a social gathering. There have been other foods along the way that were out of my orbit. I recall when a friend managed to get a small jar of something called vegemite or marmite. Essentially what is leftover when all the yeast has been used. And due to the odour he was not invited to bring it along with him to gatherings. There are other foods like that but I’m not going to go into a long extended menu here suffice to say that I come from a place where fish and potatoes ruled for many decades. I can still remember the first time we had a meal involving rice. It might have been a staple in diets around the world but not where I lived. And as for bread the idea of something that was not prepared in your own kitchen was for decades not part of the situation. Even bagels had no place in my life until after I finished university. I can think of other foods that I no longer eat but that is a personal choice. I am more in interested in foods that have come and gone. Frankly I cannot see my list being much longer.

Something as universal as pizza was unknown in this part of the land until after the war. On the whole my grandparents would be surprised to see how much the menu has evolved.

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