25th June 2024

Finding a new way to get the job done

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When you have a limited budget you have to learn to think outside the box. And that includes using the box I assume. I remember the first time I checked the assignment given to a friend who was in basic engineering. The title was 100 uses for the common nail and that has never left my memory. I have not yet discovered all of the uses that you can have for certain things. I’ve been watching videos where people show off nifty gadgets they have found to be used while camping. There are generalized themes but the number of individual items seems to be without limit. Thank you Amazon. If you can think of it then someone else has probably done it before you and marketed a cheap tool to get the job done. Seriously. Go onto any of the channels and those who live in an RV for example can you meet immediately struck by the number of ways that people get around common difficulties. Without spending much money. Who knew that having a hook in your pocket to hang over the shower door at the campground could be so utilitarian. And what about ways to deploy your anti bug stuff. Sure beats holding everything in your hand. To be fair mankind is often relied on the hand as a way to get things done but you only have a maximum of two of them. Having some ways to accessorize can make your day go by with much less stress and pain. And minor burns I suppose. I mean we can’t spend our lives training the dog to do jobs for us. Or cat if that’s possible. Or younger siblings because they tend to grow up I learned that their lives can be better spent serving themselves. Just take the time to look around your house and see how many ways you have avoided purchasing something unnecessary. Yes you have a brain. And yes you have ways of thinking the problem through from start to finish. Like that engineering assignment I mentioned. I mean, who knew that plastic bags had so many uses. Until the stores stopped providing them and then we hit a wall.

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