28th May 2024

Follow your own path

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Today, the puffins arrived. I know this because all the people were happy. It’s a birder thing. Also at the restaurant, the loud person was still there. Is this his new home? We finished our food packed up and headed off to the next campground. This time around we’re backing federal property where the buildings are all nicely painted and doors work and the area is always well policed. In the military sense. I was tasked this afternoon get into the shower and then getting back again. And I did but I would have made a terrifically funny video for anyone watching. You see when you navigate in a new place you hope to repeat your steps. And if you haven’t made those steps you invent them. I did a good exploration of a small area. If you want to find the fire hose or the water fountain or other sites I’ve got them all in my memory now. Things like came do not help when you do not know where you’re going. I have to get better at stopping trying to consider if my mental map matches the reality and then carrying on. That too, takes time. But, I am back and I’m alive in the absence of traffic what some people refer to as a blessing. For me it’s just good luck. I would not want to try this exploit two months from now when the tourists arrive. Also to the people that put odd objects in small spaces please don’t. In my shower room there was a tall step and the closing table indoors it opened only partway. Each one a challenge. At least I didn’t fall in the water. That would be my fault. Where are we? Not far from Charlottetown. The other Charlotte down. I’ve been in this area before but under very different circumstances.

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