3rd May 2024

Buying data

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Feeling bored? Seeking a reason to bang your head against the wall? I have a solution. Try to compare data plans from the major telephone suppliers. I think they have pages of fine print. And worse no rationale. We took on a simple question. Go to a nearby province and try to decide what sort of data plan would make sense for a tablet. A simple question but the answers are very complex. First of all the alphabet soup. I understand wanting to let the customer know the various levels of service you offer. But please, not on the first page. Try to draw them in a little closer before throwing all the nails into the path. And then take your maps. And shove them. Most cell providers actually share their towers. I think they are required to by law. For one company to tell you that their service is far superior to everyone else is nothing more dental I. I know a venial sin but align nonetheless. Do not expect clarity in this world. Next try to discover how many hidden charges are out there. For a company that wants to sell me data do I have to bring my own SIM or will you sell me a SIM or will you read me a simbas tapan the quality of my blood. Not clear. And when that SIM is empty. What happens then? They don’t want to talk about that part. Be very careful of terms like auto renew because you can find yourself belonging to them for a very long time. Right now we’re seeking a marriage of convenience. 30 days and gone. Do we have an answer to that question? Not at all in fact we will probably have to go to one of the local cell phone stores and try to convince the person behind the desk that we really do not want to buy a new phone. I think that’s where they make their real profit. We shall see. Still have a few days. And from what I’ve seen we will probably take something very expensive and lacking features. Telling ourselves that the next time around we will be more cagey. I realize I am an easy prey for those who hunt down innocent customers. I also realize that maintaining such a large infrastructure over half a continent cost money. I support your rationale. I just wish you had something a little more to my liking.

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