2nd May 2024

Trains may stop

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 This province gave up UN railways along time ago or the railways gave up on us. In any case the nation in sharp contrast relies more on the rail system than any other point is history. A lot of things move by rail. Tied to what is called a jit economy. Just in time. And if the trains stopped running a lot of other things, stop as a consequence. We have been put on notice that the real system is about to go on strike. I saw in one report the term unprecedented, unprecedented perturbation. We shall see. One of my sons works in logistics and he is on notice. For the next little while his job just got more interesting. How do you get that load of material from there to here. I know he thinks about this kind of stuff because he’s already pointed it out as recently as this morning. For those of the world who no longer think trains are important, they are. We did get rid of our rails to ferries reliance although even there unions tend to follow the leader. We could see the ferries tide up the wharf because the trains have stopped. Also, once the strike starts the government will be on high alert. How many days before they pass a law. The government can seem inconsequential to many but when it comes time to keep the trains moving they’re on top of the situation. And that is probably a good thing. We all want to go into stores that still have stuff on the shelves and in our economy it only takes a matter of a week before most of those shells are empty. Ask yourself. What do you do if you have no food at home? I know that I would not want to go back to foraging in the fields. OK truth told, I never did that, but I know about it. I’ve read a lot. And I want the reliance that food will be down at the store at the corner. If the trains stop that is not a guarantee. So I like others will be keeping an eye on this one. Who wants to go into the summer with nothing at home.

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