23rd October 2023

Some magic spray will make it go

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And now, the countdown begins. We went for our vaccines this afternoon and I’m waiting to see if a second head grows off my shoulder. I somehow doubt that will be the result. But, with all my newfound energy I came back home to watch videos that do not have any point at least in my life. This afternoon someone was given a front-end loader. One of those big ones all yellow that looks like a Tonka toy. The premise was simple it doesn’t run so you may as well have this. And off we went on the chase. The first impulse is to think simple. As in, I’ll simply start it and run it onto my trailer and drive it home. And of course, it would not start and so the new owner drove all night long and get home to try and figure out why this big mass of metal was being so recalcitrant. I do not speak from a point of actual knowledge, but I could follow what he was doing. You undo a few nuts and bolts here and there. You squirt some ether into the correct holes on the side. You run the starter. And then you recalculate. The only big moment came when he actually broke apart the inside and unbolted the assembly and sent it off to a repair shop, confident that they would know how to fix it. And they did. That’s why you pay for experts in this world. Anyhow, long story short we had the pleasure of watching Mr. drive his new toy around the yard. In circles because one brake was stuck. Am I going to rush out and get one? No. I think I made a better choice of career.

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