13th September 2023

When the beat is simply off

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I try not to bring it up often but I used to spend a great deal of time beating on heads with sticks. Before you jump to conclusions I was a drummer. Or to use a fancy word a percussionist because I played them all. Anyhow the reason they let me hit the heads was because I had a reasonable good sense of rhythm. I could start and and at roughly the same speed. Many are called and few are chosen as they say. So today was a road trip day and we are now in another province. And along the way for many hours we listened to the radio. Satellite radio. And what struck me was that there was something odd about the playback speed of songs. Almost as if when you get the beat some would drag on the edge of the turntable and slow it down or speed it up. Certain aspects disappeared completely. The pauses between verses and songs for example. And the end result marcella can make one quite dizzy. Not always a good thing when you’re trying to avoid some of the other aspects of motion. Dare I say sickness. Anyhow we’re now in the room and I have Wi-Fi and I can relax again. An opening to the world. And I can choose music that does not vary in speed throughout the song. I really want to know what is going on with that satellite radio stuff because it is the first time in my life I’ve come across something as odd. I was listening to old rock’n’roll favourites and although they may not always have got the beat they certainly did a better job than what I heard today. I cannot picture how some would dance to it although it could be amusing I will keep listening for more of this.

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