9th August 2023

Willing to share the showers

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Among the stories on my news feed this evening was the report that part of Hawaii was on fire. I have to wonder if anybody took the time to turn off the volcanoes. Just a thought. We had an afternoon with family. No, I cannot claim to have actually seen them. But, I could certainly hear the joy and the voices of a number of children as they played together with their cousins. I hope they’re building a lifetime worth of memories. The vacation time for family has been remarkably wet. It seems the rain cannot get away. There is talk tomorrow of going to one of the small resorts they cater to children on vacation. I guess getting wet is all part of the game. We’re back home and the sun is going down and I feel so tired. My ability to get involved with large numbers of people has waned. I blame age. Tomorrow we’ll see what else can happen and see if whether or not my condition is permanent. Am I going to become an old man with attitude.

I have been told that any fatigue, on my part, is that I stayed up too late last night. Anna game I have to wonder, is this just a sign of old age creeping up on me. I mean some people have eternal news but I think my order was a little short when it came in. Instead I look forward to my next night of rest. I wonder if we can share our rain with Hawaii

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 at 20:24 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 258 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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