26th July 2023

Shaving is optional

posted in Uncategorized |

Time for a confession. Of the personal nature. I am not particularly hirsute. If you do not know the word get a dictionary. It means that my beard takes a very long time to become presentable. As near as I can tell if I had started as a boy it would not yet be to the point where people would paint it in a photograph. However I do have to shave from time to time just to remain presentable. No hiding in the woods for me. The hair is not thick just annoying to others. As I hear often. You did not shave today. No nor yesterday nor the day before. I wonder what would happen if I just let it go. For the next quarter century. Will it ever grow long enough to make it to the point where people would say Oh yes he has a lovely beard. I am doubtful. As someone in the background murmurs yeah. Of course I could always buy a beard and paste it on if I had the need. Or wear face mask a ski mask something similar. I have not yet started to do any of those things. I just go from day-to-day hoping no one will notice. Of course, I do wear my hair long. I can hide my face with that if ever the need arises. Or I can just stay inside in the dark realizing that I am almost invisible. Choices for the upcoming century. Maybe if the hair grew thicker on my feet I could pretend to be a Hobbit.

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