15th July 2023

Use my eyes to make you money

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Apparently, my eyes have a miracle habit. It would seem according to the advertising industry that they like me to look at things. It brings money not to me but to others. Actually, they’ve been chasing me to look at things since I was a very small child. It started with breakfast cereal and then kiss kitchen soap and then cars and all sorts of those things I’ve never bought interesting industry.
Now I use YouTube a lot more and the ads there want me to buy things that I do not need things like gold and golf clubs encouraged to carry seven passengers. None of these are on my want list. I do not know where they get their information, but they are persistent. So, what to do? Well, I realize that I am one of millions. If I look at something like a video from start to finish someone else will make a penny. Enough pennies like grains of sand will build a beach. As for the content of the ads, I do not really care as I said the idea of having a gold coated Golf Club in a car for seven people just seems silly. The industry should do better. They brag were being able to target their ads so why do not do it. Oh well. It’s only time my time and I kind of like the silly ways they try to attract my attention.

As for my new dictation tool I am using for this post,  I have to be careful where I talk because if I do not pay attention the television will also be transcribed. Do you really want the dialogue from a show I’m not watching? Let me know.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 15th, 2023 at 18:58 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 288 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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