4th July 2023

Learning to speak and spell

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Last night found us with visitors. Cyclists, in passage, and we loaned out the extra sleeping space. The difference was that theses were not strangers. One was a close friend our my children, back in the day.

And the other difference was that we all get older. Here a perfect example of the transition from  children to  adults. Professionals in their own right, with the  evolved interests and skills that we all hope will be manifest with time. I never had that opportunity in my own family. The only boy in a family of sisters, and my move far away from the family center. I never dropped by to spend an evening of conversation, at least not knowingly.

I wonder if the visitors noticed that I am also older. More grey.  Slower to say silly things. An increased interest in what others are doing.  It is all good.

Right now, I am trying to decide how to move from simple typing to a more modern system that uses vocal recognition. Yes, I think my typing skills are wonderful, but when one of the other had escapes the structure of the home row, I create puzzles. Still useful, but not as much fun as one might hope. I think to push for me to evolve comes more from there than from anything else. I will have to investigate the possibilities. Call a friend, or a son. Whichever comes into view first. My real hope is that you as reader will not notice the transition. Hey, I could be writing  in longhand. You do not want to go there, believe me.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 4th, 2023 at 16:19 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 266 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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