25th June 2023

Letting some older stuff go

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Please do not be overly puzzled. Yes, I am listing particular objects, as they go to the dump and I shed another small piece of my  memory set. Necessary, and good for my mental health. I will also know, in future, what things are not hiding in a corner of the garage.

Today, my log books and cards from a lifetime of radio went to the bin. Realistically, I was never too attached to these materials. Part of  respecting an obscure  law  that required hams to keep  records. With forty years come and gone, with no request to show off for a radio officer, I am willing to letting go, besides, I could get more. A particular radio transceiver, from the now defunct Heathkit company is out. I have not actually used the radio for several decades, so the lost is  not big.

One unique artifact was a cross section of rail. Among my various teaching contract, I did  a winter with a section gang. The foreman, who had access to a power hacksaw, cut me a small end piece and polished it. In for, it would have been a deadly weapon several centuries ago. Not, just a reminder that steel rail also wears, when  too many steel wheels are driven along the length. Why keep it? As a souvenir. Another time in my life.

We also dumped the big flash system that allowed to do years of photography. Not going back to shooting beer nights in a gym, so it became surplus to my needs. Also, technology has evolved, and the voltages would fry an modern camera.

My conclusion is that over the years I have spent money wisely. To be able to throw away technology almost a half century later, in good working condition, is the best way to prove that paying up front for quality makes good sense.

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