22nd June 2023

Waiting for details

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One of our ferry boats is broken. That is the second  one on a year. Since the replacement ferry is off to dry dock for its annual refit, we are now down to a bridge and not much else. I live on an island, so these details are important.

I should add that the ferry from last year did not simply break. It caught fire. No deaths, but the vessel is now decommissioned. That sounds final. I used that ferry, back, when I arrived here to go to university, A lifetime ago, history takes a long time to play out. This is all less final than a missing submarine which is now believed lost at sea. You can read about it because the man behind the story has plans to take a group to Mars.

The university has  its own place in the news right now. Mainly a story of we do not know, but it sounds juicy. The president did something, and the university refused to confirm details to the local press. And today the chairperson of the Board of Governors has resigned suddenly. Without comment. If you want to feed the rumor mill, in a a small place, there are few better ways. I will listen to the evening news.

So there you have it. Small news from a small place. I have suggested that we take the RV down to the ferry terminal, and get a place in line. In front of the line. We could hang out for days, and if anyone asks, explain that we have  big plans that do not involve a bridge. See what happens. I do have too much time on my hands.


This entry was posted on Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 at 22:41 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 278 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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