7th June 2023

Spotted while walking on water

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The special birds are back. The locator squad simply had to walk on water to find them. I realize these might be different members of the team in a population that is dropping but it brought joy.

My favourite game, right now, is exploring drawers full of random articles. The secret is to not look at what you are doing. And, of course, to truly believe tahr there is nothing dangerous in there. Something best done in your own junk drawers. 

The reason for searching was to see if I had an extra ethernet cable. I could imagine it, although I did not succeed in finding one. But there  are stores. Tomorrow, I hope to receive a brand new shiny cable. Maybe one with a flashy red or yellow jacket. Not necessary to be coloured, it is just easier to find them when you lose them.

Most evenings, we pretend to play Jeopardy. Getting the correct answer brings no cash or inclusion in a a Wall of Fame but I can dream can’t I.

If someone asks me how long does it take to give the lawn a trim, I will now answer about two hours. We can go a long way in two hours but anytime you drive in concentric circles it limits the reach. I can say this because I was the clock watcher. 

We should take the key out of the ignition. There are a pair of foxes who watch the show intently. I can see them in a Disney movie going somewhere. 

It is still daylight. No need to use the headlights while on the lawn. 


This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 at 20:15 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 264 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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