Running water and a garage
The story is as old as time. Imagine the cave dweller, stopping by to see a newer hole in the hill. Then, back at home, recounting the details to the family. “They even have running water, from a slit in the stone”. And wondering how to get something like that in his grotto.
We’ve been watching a sampling of RV shoppers. Take it from me, the sky is not even close to the limit, if you have enough credit. Yes, you can have running water. And heat. And a heated garage once you go big. I do not want that much of a rolling cave, but it is fun to see what is out there. Recognizing that next year will be even better.
They have trade shows, if the local sales lot isn’t enough. With sales staff that are keen to catch your eye while completing their own sales book. Are they bloodthirsty? For sure. The commissions are great, and the stock will roll right you to the door. So many options!
A friend, with smarts about retail, once told me that the right seller can sell anything, if the buyer “swims” into view. I can’t speak from experience, but I once bought a house on an empty stomach and sleep deficit. Happily, I stand satisfied with my acquisition for another three decades. In the RV world, your house on wheels won’t stay in the family that long. Without a foundation, the need to roam takes over. Also, roads go everywhere. Again, I don’t speak from experience.
So. Running water and a garage?