Don’t play with your food
One of the most important rules conveyed by a parent to a child comes down to a sentence. “Don’t play with your food”, Not before preparation, not during the meal, not after the fact. I think I will add emphasis to that last section. Not after the fact.
Come on, you know what I mean. I don’t need to spell it out, or smell it out. We are primitive factories, every last one. We put the tasty food in one end, and we dispose of whatever comes out the other end. Always. No exceptions here.
We own a recreational vehicle. Self-contained. We eat, we sleep, we contend with night soil. And the best way is to figure out the what and the why. Our right has a holding tank, that requires frequent visits to a dump site. Not trivial. While Joe Average has the knowledge of the public waste system, the RV guy has to get his act together.
I’ve been learning about additives, which are a chemical juice that you add to your own mess, to try and control the process while looking for your next dump station. So much can go wrong, and if you don’t want to play with your food, you want even less to mess up this step in the process. I am learning, and with a few years of taking care of my business, I’ve avoided crisis. Management, mainly. I want to get better at this whole “you are your own engineer” lifestyle. And that included keeping my potable water clean and my mess on its way to some other step in the process.