Winter worries
Would you like to know a sure-fire way to become a headline item, around the world. One way is to make it to the top of the heap, politically. Then, within 44 days, resign. Give no reason. Let everyone else guess about the back story. I mean, do it before your new business cards are back from the pribter, and the paint on your office door has even finished curing. Yes, that story.
Out of the UK, where Brexit wasn’t enough. Where burying the Queen wasn’t enough. Where your government announces that they will have your replacement before the end of the current month. I probabably don’t need to know the gritty details (not my monkey, not my circus). But I am curious. How come it takes other countries so long to get rid of leaders that have worn out their welcome?
We have out own issiues. The power was out, again, last night. I came awake when the various UPS alarms started up, along with the mellifluous tones of genny. We’re still in double dlgit weather. No storms in sight. I fear that this winter might be memorable. And I am too old to want “memorable”. I will keep my sleeping bag, the dog and other warming aids close by. Will I panic, prematurely? Not a chance. I’ve already tried camping in a snowbank, and once you control your shivering, it’s not half bad. The real question is will our public utility get this mess sorted out before others, less prepared, get to try hypothermia. Not even the end of October, and already I have winter worries.