14th August 2022

A quest, for a key

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This story  is not really mine to tell. I heard it from someone who heard it from someone, and the details are vague. In simple terms, it involves a key.

Modern vehicles have specialized electronics that we refer to with a generic “key”, but usually the devices does so much more. And, accordingly, costs so much more. Having one key is good. Having a spare is even better. And so the couple of proud owners set off for a summer vacation, lasting a couple of weeks. They toured, they camped, they visited family. They did exactly what anyone with a fairly new vehicle would do. In passing, a new vehicle is not “cheap”. Keep that in mind.

Holiday over, the couple returned to the city. And, in doing inventory, found that there was now just one key between the two. Hardly tragic. It would be something (else) to replace. Did I mention that keys are no longer cheap. And, while checking social media, they saw that someone in their neighbourhood had found a key, right around the date that they started their holiday. Never hurts to call, because the coincidence was too strong to ignore.

Yes, someone had found a key, matching their description. Just around the corner from home. And so they called, and arranged to meet. Might save visiting the dealer, where such things are worth their weight in gold. On arrival, the story soured. Having taken the key out, in anticipation, the finder had placed the key on the kitchen counter, where it drew the attention of a small child. What had been (possibly) an important find was now gone, again The child was questioned about the “new toy” and  the couple learned that, bored with a key that did nothing,  it had been pitched away. In the grass near the home.

Nothing left to do but undertake a search. Better equipped; lights on the forehead, a plan, and a metal detector. In passing, I would love to borrow one; the property pins have eluded me for seven summers already. Just a detail. The search did not go well, until a woman on a nearby balcony asked if they were seeking, perchance, a key. She had found one on her lawn, only hours earlier.

And with that one stroke of luck, the lost was refound. I am guessing that the treasure will be guarded carefully in future.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 14th, 2022 at 17:27 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 395 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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