Just a few more questions
My tie to the outside world is my telephone. A landline, but that’s just a detail. I get a lot of calls that want to verify if I’ve lost contsol over my credit card; did I really just send an iPhone to China? Fraud is on their minds; if only I would be more forthcoming with details, like my PIN or that little 3-digit affair on the the rear of my card, they could control the fraud. I’m sure they could.
I did, however, take one call from a real service representative, and althugh I didn’t record the call for training purposes, let’s settle for what I remember.
Did I live in my own home, or an assisted living facility? (Me, yes. The dog, no)
Was I well nourished? (My, yes. The dog, YES)
Did I feel that my life was in danger? (Me, no. The dog was back to his daily nap)
Was there anyone that was inattentive with smoking materials, or over attentive to cooking? (Me, no and no. The dog, snoring)
Was there a risk that I could wander into traffic? (Me, unaware of traffic. The dog, always tethered)
Did I fall recently, or suffer injury? (Me, no. The dog, only to his pride when he fell off the bed, and the couch, and an icy front step. He lives dangerously)
Did I need training in being led afound? (Me, unsure. The dog is trained)
Did I have any instances of depression? (Me, no. The dog, only after falling from pretty much anything)
Would I like to meet with someone for an inhome assessment? (Me, what are you selling. The dog, will you bring treats. The yummy ones.
And at that point the assessment ended. No more questions on the sheet. And I needed a refill on my coffee, so the timing was excellent.