Winter reset
Unlike earlier times, when winter came and stayed put, we now live through resets. Right now, most of the snow is gone, and we have had enough rain that my new sound of reassurance is hearing the sump pump kick in. Generally, for about thirty-five seconds at a go. That is due to the distance between a set of switches, floaters, that respond to the water levels in a particular hole, located conveniently below grade. A visual reminder that houses around here float.
There’s an additional variable. We only need the sump when the temperature gets up to a certain level, and that allows my outflow to make it through a particular drain hose. If I was more ambitious, I’d wrap that particular hose in heating tape. Permitting a constant flow. Pointless, when the water only rises when things are warm. It does keep me awake at night, pondering the possibilities.
We are months away from the next season, so any departure of ground cover is temporary. Fun to watch the mud reappear in the next field. As for winter sports, let’s put that in the occasional category. I could, if I wanted, wander a local beach. No danger of tripping over sunbathers.
I’m into day two with my new headphones, and YT needs relief from ads. Yes, I could pay for that feature. Might do so. Right now, I am not to the point of aggravation (where I throw money, willy-nilly, at a huge corporation).
Preparing myself, mentally, for that road trip to the land of rampant virus risk. Is my mask enough. Should I go with the belt and braces model, throwing on a second mask under/over the first. Cosmetic solution, because some things just look odd to the rest of the world. Should I add a dab of Vicks, under each nostril?