24th May 2018

Hazmat or no?

posted in humour |

Perhaps I’ll need a hazmat suit, if current trends continue. I was asked to take the weed-whacker out for a test drive, making sure to subdue any new greenery along the foundation of the house. No big deal, except – what if I attract a tick. No, not an uncontrolled spasm. A tick. Small, sucks blood, likes to live in new greenery (apparently). I didn’t see any, but my socks kept my pant legs close to the shins.

Meanwhile, the dog lazes about on the lawn for hours at a time, seemingly without risk. It must be that magic collar I gave him. Would people look at me any differently, if I wrapped a bright pink corrugated strap around my neck? “Ticks are here, you know”.

I feel guilty, lopping the blades off. We want grass to grow. We bemoan its absence for six (eight?) months of the year. Yes, there was snow yesterday: NB, PE, NL. In fact, the Rock did get 30cm plus, which might reawaken that latent urge to snowshoe (part of our Canadian Heritage). Here, I missed the flurry of activity, but it was dark outside.

Put a new tube in the bicycle wheel, given the failure to reinflate of last year’s rubber. Tubes are cheap (and cheaply made as a consequence). I’m developing a talent with those little plastic levers; getting the tire off AND on without using any foul language. Could this be a sign that I’m supposed to set up our trailer for regular use. You know, the one we bought after watching an episode of Dragon’s Den and then never deployed. How many years already? That’s embarrassing.

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at 19:59 and is filed under humour. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 272 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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