Skating and circles
The building is still there, I think. It became a car dealership or something similar. But for a couple of years it was the most dangerous building in the city. Nothing to do with explosives. This was our roller rink. Now in the beginning we all believed we could handle this. We were Canadian and we understood skating on ice. This was a little different. Really fancy boots with wheels on the bottom. We would go to this location and we would skate around in circles to a soundtrack. Worthy of a movie I think because none of us were good at what we did. The real challenge was to try not to fall on your head. This was before the days of helmets unfortunately there are no recorded deaths. Just a few arms. I was there one afternoon that happened. We had taken two school buses full of people with no experience brought them in put skates on their feet and turn them loose for an hour or two period of course someone had to fall. We all knew that you could skate much faster if you joined hands and then snap the whip. Someone did. The contact between cement and young bodies can lead to carnage. Or broken arms. Your choice. I do not know if the current generation understands how dangerous life was back in the 80s. We had to copy the fads that came from the United states. Go ahead. Ask your parents if they remember disco. Their response should tell you all you need to know. Some things are best left on the other side of the border. Speaking of disco we had dance clubs in the city centre. The floor had flashing lights and the soundtrack was equally loud compared to the roller rink. Same people. Less acceleration. The slow dance rarely leads to sudden death by falling. All of this is now part of my past.
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