The wisdom of age
Elections are important for some of us. Others take the whole thing a bit more loosely. The province of Ontario had an election yesterday. The men running for premier refused to release any sort of campaign. He simply told them that this was for five more years. And as any sheep would do when told to do so the electorate allowed the government to continue without a break. Nothing lost except the cost of the election itself. I really hope that the company who sold them this bill of goods will still be as popular five years from now. I would not count on it. Now back to regular programming. We’re coming into a new month that many use to predict the end of winter. Something about lamb and lion. And based on the weather reports this year is coming in like a lamb which means that we can expect another four weeks of poor skating. Poor everything. Do not hide your boots or your parka just yet. Forget laying on the beach on a towel. Not my fault I warned you winter is endless in this part of the world until it isn’t. We now have to get ready for mud season. Again not me. I have learned that wandering around in the mud is a silly thing to do. We did hear from the kids yesterday. All are well. That whole predicted trip back just at the beginning of January is still on hold. Thankfully. I would prefer to have a new bed of grass outside and a sump pump that does not need to be verified every day. Difficult to do when you are off on a road trip. Someone suggested putting a camera with Wi-Fi pointed at the hole. I had to reply that this would not keep the water out. It would just let us know a few hours earlier that we had an emergency on our hands with too far to drive and insufficient time to make things right. The wisdom that comes with old age.
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