28th September 2024

Unplanned camping



There are many videos available that show people going camping at the last moment. With a minimum of equipment and preparation. Rolling out along the edge of a field for example. Would I do such a thing? I probably have. Will I do it anytime soon? Probably not because I have evolved in my needs. A good bed is sort of the bottom of my list. Or top. What I have noticed about these videos is that you do not need much in the way of gear to have fun. No need for a triple room tent or large air mattress. Just the will to sleep away from home. By choice. I think we need more videos like this to impress people that getting out there is more fun than they might imagine. And that they do not need to plan for months ahead in order to get away from the house. Probably, I should follow my own advice more often. We have come close recently. Deciding at the last moment that going home was probably a better idea. Access to a refrigerator and a washroom if you understand. Still, I do like going to visit camping goods stores because there’s always something new and better. No need to spend money. Use it to feed your dreams. And do dress warmly because there is nothing worse then waking up just before dawn feeling like you have been on a snow bank in a storm. We have added an RV to our arsenal which means that the choice of where and when has changed you cannot simply park in the middle of someone’s field and except for an emergency, I would not do so. I did wake up in the middle of a field once with a very angry farmer just there in front of me. Something about being in his wheat. My bad. I should have taken a closer look before going to sleep. And I was smart enough to know that it was not a hill to die on and I simply packed up and went on my merry way. For those who care about such things, do get a good sleeping bag because it will last you for years and also make your nights last.

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