27th July 2024

Attracting attention

I have determined through my life that attracting attention is more of a challenge than we like to admit. I have been trying for decades. I have tried various methods. For example back in high school I alternate between a tuba and the timpani. Big noise in a small space. In university I pivoted to photography. Got a good camera and the largest flash I could afford. Great lights in the small place. And then finally when I went out into the professional world I opted for performance. Not exactly performance but as Shakespeare put it all the world is a stage. And when you are at the desk in front of a classroom of teenagers you learn immediately they’re getting their attention can be a challenge. Don’t even go to keeping that attention. But I toughed it through and for anyone planning life in the public eye just accept that not every day will be an easy one. You will need a great deal of patience and you will need to adapt your methods to your audience. It does not need to be a trumpet or a flashing light or even a great script. Accept that others will eventually notice. If it is for the wrong reason then that is not your fault. If none of these methods satisfy your need to be noticed then go for interpretive dance. I have it on good inference from a squirrel that this is also a method to be in front of others. But you do you.

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