Deeper Waters
Maybe I need a boat. I come to that conclusion after watching today’s news from Toronto where the streets are running fast. It’s only a couple of centuries since we put the canoes ashore and then get out the horse and cart. So we a century since we adopted automobiles and put roads going to roads everywhere. But the rains are back and the cities like Toronto the water is running fast not where it should. I think the rivers are fine but you’re in your car your best keep an eye ahead. You can get into deep water very quickly when the rogue was under an overpass. Just saying. Around here we have no such worries because we have an ocean but they did build that new bridge over in town a little bit higher than they used to a full three to four meters higher as near as I can tell. Maybe they know something that we don’t. Of course we have a lot of boats locally so if worse comes to worse we simply park the car and walk over and beg a ride from the neighbour. Unsure the next step. But I do keep an eye on weather. I was trained that way and I now know that what we used to do half century ago is no longer current practice. If you have a rain cup you need to get the bigger model. Same thing goes for wind veins. The wind blows longer and harder than it used to. We have been in strange weather for years and we have been warned but it is so hard to turn around the ship of government. Maybe they need a canoe. As for where I live I can see the ocean and it is not full just yet. I am not saying bring on the reins but if you do then bring on the reins.
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