10th November 2023

We could pay ourselves

I got my education through the public system. I mean, there were a few bumps along the road, but on the whole the taxpayer helped me to learn how to read, write and do all the calculating I needed. That remains true right through university. Today I watched a video talking about the movement in the United States to turn education into a business. Some of the familiar terms would be charter school and vouchers. Seemed a little silly to me until I remembered something from half a century ago. While studying in education we had a professor that tried to convince those of us who were going to be teachers to consider going into the private school business. Not established schools but rather ones that we would establish. After all we were all keen right? Well, we could put together a curriculum and set up a pricing scheme and convince certain parents that we were the way to bring the future to their child. It became a subject for conversation around the common room and the lunch table. Imagine if we started our own school and we could decide what was going to be taught. We could pay ourselves enough to ensure a good living and a good retirement. No need to bring in the taxpayer in this one. Sounds familiar right? Obviously none of us did such a thing but I remember that the professor had a certain interest in such things. A small business that allowed governments to pay a private company that he owned for certain parts of education. It has been said that there are truly no new ideas just recycled ones. And while recycling is a good thing for the environment there are costs. I will watch what happens in the debate elsewhere. And I remember that the song of the siren, cash in my pocket, was there even when I was young and inexperienced.

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