The stay-behind guy
I know this plea will go unheeded, but nevertheless… sellers on eBay, could you please identify your packages? A transaction number, or your seller name… I received another parcel, today, containing a pair of radio connectors. Except, I received something very similar just a few days ago, and now I don’t know who to “thank”. A minor point.
I’m the stay-behind guy today. Even the dogs scored a trip to the beach. At my end, I provided detailed maps for the shopping duo, and a source of fried clams for son #1. Meanwhile, the day is passing, slowly. I watched a documentary (mockumentary?) of a lad that was “catfished” through his own willing suspension of disbelief. Even after some sound advice, and a meeting, in England, with the other person in the conversation, he still had doubts. Sorry, but if it seems too good to be true, it is. Welcome to the real world.
Our past prime (really past prime, stinking) minister finally retired from Parliament, today. Months too late, but it probably topped up his pension. Somehow, I don’t think we’ll notice his absence, other than this short mention. Nine years of abuse of trust; don’t expect anything other than applause.
This is National Dog Day. I did mention that the two mutts scored a day at the beach. I threw in some random treats, which were well swallowed, but that’s the sum of the celebration.
Time to think up a diversion for the evening. Other than sleeping, obviously. Maybe I deserve a beach tour.