5th July 2016

A “tight” hole

posted in environment |

I was up early; had to give a ride to a pest, so to speak. And with that duty out of the way, I couldn’t convince myself to return to bed, so I returned to digging a hole. And got the job done, while temperatures were clement and the bug population was held at bay by breezes. A success story.

Now, having dug my hole, I decided to test it, by filling it to the brim with water. Locally, the soil lacks in a key condition: permeability. I returned, a couple of hours later, and things were still “tight”. No choice but to take a pail and undo my test, several litres at a time. That behind me, I prepared to mix some soil and peat (increased perm-factor, apparently), and before the morning was mature, my tree was standing tall in the middle of the field. There will be others, and I will have a more matter-of-fact approach to the whole thing. Not quite as deep.

We actually were down to the greenhouse this afternoon, seeking shrubs. Came home with a hodge-podge, and I can put off any planting until tomorrow when the electrical storm has ended. Practicality. I have to say, at this point in the season, the greenhouse was amazingly colourful. So many hues and tints, and all looking “natural”. No wonder flowers are popular! I’ll not get too crazy with a palette, just yet, but there are more years ahead.

Here’s hoping I can remember the names until then. Should have taken notes, rather than trying to amuse the dog.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 at 19:50 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 260 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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