Two days now, but who’s counting? For two days, I’ve been wandering in a fog of low productivity. Or as the fans call it, OS X.
My Mac Mini. Is that short for “minimum”? When I read the manifest, the machine sounds like a bomb! i7. 8 GB of RAM. A total of four hard drives (counting the external drive case). Fast Ethernet. In a Windows world, I’d be doing stuff already. Instead, I’m back to reinstalling the OS, from old towards new (I hope).
The machine had upgraded all the way to El Capitan, this morning. And then, And then, it no longer knew how to log into any user account. A locked door. I read the various hint sheets. Reset the NVRAM, which fixed nothing. And finally decided to start with a reload. Since sometime this afternoon, I’ve been reinstalling Lion, with the belief that this will be a cumulative process. And while I climb the stairs, slowly, I realize that all the fancy ads in the world don’t mean much when it takes this much time to get ready.
As well, that intermittent keyboard has been reduced to a handful of screws and a spare USB wire. The rest of it will be recycled. After another round of disassembly, I learned that the stamped on contacts on the plastic sheets had serious degradation. Some keys worked, others not. I’ll go to an alternative, the next time I’m within spitting range of retail.
And this evening? I’ll continue to rebuild the OS. Talk to me another time.