Spotted a member of the chorus
I was awake before the dog. A chorus, outside, before sunrise, and that set his hackles on edge. A quick peek outside, where he raced to the side of the house, shouting at the intruder, which meant that I had to haul him back inside, hand over hand. And then we both headed to the deck door, to see what might be in view. Finally; I have heard the coyotes for months, and today I watched one cross the back yard on his/her way to someplace else. No signposts…
The coyotes are the only neighbours that scare me, a little. Not because I fear any human/animal contact. My dog is naive. He would race out to meet the first to come in view, while remaining unaware of any other members of the group that might be to the left or right. Not sure I want to interrupt fanged conflict. Safer to keep the dog inside when unsure.
Of course, by daylight there was no sign of anything untoward. We’re in one of those melt phases, so any tracks in the snow had pretty much disappeared. I mentioned the visitor over at the store (where they hear from anybody with a tale to tell). Not recommended to let family pets prove their bravery against a much wilier foe. Cartoons don’t always teach the truth, and the local roadrunner population is pretty small; approaching zero, in calculus terms.
Other things to distract me this afternoon. Getting all the yolk separated from the white in a set of eggs, for example. It might look easy, but the reality is very different.