Sell him a necktie
Thankfully, I never tried to make my life in “sales”. I’m not cut out for it, if the latest Netflix feed to our house, Paradise, can serve as a reference. Viscerally unable to lie to a client, I am. Willing to teach the right way (or product choice); in spades. My children would have had a hungry upbringing, if I had been required to cajole dollars out of other people’s pockets.
There’s actually a lot to be said for the program, going beyond the lavish clothing. For example, one should try to sell a customer a necktie, as a test. Based on some of the message board feeds, the necktie is analogous to “going for coffee”. Wait! Flash! You mean all those tips about going for coffee on a first date have nothing to do with thirst and everything to do with testing if the other can converse beyond the simplest level? Wow! I totally missed that concept, along the way. Hey, kids: Timmie’s is a great date spot. You can go cheap and escape out the back way if things start to slide sideways.
But back to the retail. I guess, like many others, I like to shop, but not to consult. Give me an online catalog and a few anonymous reviews, anytime. Don’t want to be upsold, when I already know what I want. The clerks in the big box stores are an imperfect alternative to good store maps. And the robotic cash registers in my CannyTire are all that is needed to get me out the door.