26th September 2015

Educating the hired help

posted in photography |

Last evening, drawn by the faint light of a waxing moon, I found the tripod and headed onto the deck to capture the view. The camera worked fine, but it did require some rapid owner manual reading; how to actually use the B setting. Turns out that holding the shutter button down (open) by hand is hardly a best technique.

I own two different remote controls, but the wireless model didn’t seem to do very much. Tried it on two cameras and assumed that the battery might be “done”. On the other hand, the cabled version was useful, on only one of the cameras. That’s now revised to “not very useful” after consultation.

Fast forward to morning, when a trip to town went from eventual to necessary. No company. I soloed in to the box stores where my search for something called “finishing washers” involved educating one of the those young and willing clerks. We searched the bins until I spotted what I wanted and he took mental note of the vocabulary involved. I also purchased the reflector poles for the laneway. We need them, and now we have them.

Took me two stores to find the battery required for the camera remote. Again, a chance to educate one of those willing but unclear of the concept employees. I spotted the right number, and he took mental note. Sigh.

Arrived home, just in time for a visit from some cousins from away. Camping compatriots, in part. Showed the house, admired the view, agreed to a repeat performance in a year’s time. Also, the deck has been washed, in preparation for the stain session tomorrow.


This entry was posted on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 at 20:08 and is filed under photography. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 270 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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