Connect the deck
Where did the day go? No, literally. The onset of darkness reminds me that summer ended back last month, and that we’re on a slide toward solstice. I did go to town, twice today. We had company. I met people I knew while in the market. Life has taken on a whole new flavour.
This was supposed to be a festive day, but the party target has been ill for hours. The main reason for my quest, this afternoon, involved finding foods that worked with a delicate tummy. Bland. Enough said. We’ll catch up tomorrow. This was also supposed to be a fair day (nothing to do with weather), but when we headed down after supper to the arena, we were alone. Seems that an agricultural exposition doesn’t do Friday evenings.
I’ve been trying to figure out where I might purchase the hose connector for the lawn mower (long story). While looking at the various online ads, I noticed a remarkable similarity to my standard hose disconnect. Turns out that the fitting is standard, and I won’t have to spend any more time shopping. A small success, but I take them whenever I can.
The current “crop” of candidates for the presidency (next country over) seem to be mainly corn. Seriously, watching some of the network TV outtakes reminds me that choosing someone capable does require years. No wonder their campaign strikes the rest of the world as endless. Of course, the same remark is relevant on our side of the border, this time around. Except – nobody else in the world cares about our leadership quest.