Stepping on small pointy objects
Note to myself: wear shoes while cleaning in the basement. I didn’t look before stepping around a box, and managed to install a volume control in/on/under my heel. A tiny, designed for the electronic hobbyist, which means really sharp little metal prongs, variable resistor. It didn’t reduce my personal volume level.
Now that the good stuff is (pretty much) sorted and stored, I’m discovering things that won’t be needed, for the rest of my life. Two small Dymo label widgets. A metal plaque inviting me “not to flush while standing in the station” (long story, best left untold). A collection of panel meters (electronic repairs for the cheap-at-hearts). A collection of programmes from conventions (I) attended sometime during the last century. Sheet music from my Chicago phase.
No problem dumping stuff, except that we have limited space in those city-approved rubbish bins. Only Monday, and the “pause” control has been engaged. The last of the junked computers went to recycling at a local box store this afternoon; the risk of resale is on their conscience.
TV is into a new season, and although my viewing schedule is irregular, there’s pleasure in knowing that new content is available. I watch far too much syndicated programming (early to bed early to rise penalty). Knowing the lines to a particular scene works for thespians; it just annoys those in the immediate area, the rest of the time.
Next on my things to learn how to do: install a bathroom tub. Time to head on over to YouTube and sit in with other would-be home reno keeners.