In the recycle mood
Today, I took my own advice. I cleaned my cubicle. Not ready for the photo session, yet (maybe Monday), but I put a major dent in the “waiting to be recycled” pile. Nineteen older laptops, among other things. And with all that new space in the cubicle, I can hand it off to whoever with a carefree heart.
Also solved some of my telephony mysteries, with the help of a very knowledgeable tech at the phone firm. He took pity, after he realized that I am not planning to play this game for very much longer; even wished me a happy retirement. I’m starting to believe.
And now I’m home, with two noisy dogs and a belly full of beef. Soon will be time to start making music, just to see if they’ll sing along in “perfect harmony”. I’m not interested in watching old movies all evening; time to make my own entertainment.
As a special treat (in part because there were only two passengers on the homeward bus), the driver offered to let up pick our own route! Sweet. Cut fifteen minutes off the run time, and left me believing in mercy and public transit. Not a common combination.
The news told me that gas prices are on the rise, while the local tanks knocked four cents off this afternoon. We’re now at $1.43/l which is a bargain in a world where petroleum is still cheaper than milk. Pop is under, but with a 2 litre Pepsi running $2, that may also change. Getting water is easier, for now.